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Shifting Your Mindset: How to Overcome Time and Money Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals

Written by Joey Klein | May 6, 2024 1:00:00 PM


 I’ve worked with all kinds of clients with all kinds of reasons why they can’t create the outcome they’re trying to create, but the most common thing I hear is, I don’t have the time and I don’t have the money. Maybe you’re looking to expand your business, or go back to school to uplevel your expertise, or maybe you want to get the body into better physical shape. All of those things are going to require some time and money, but they’re also going to require taking action. It’s taking action that’s the hard part, so it becomes real easy to throw time and money under the bus. I’d love to get to the gym every day, I just couldn’t possibly find the time. Or, My dream is to go on an African safari but I could never afford something like that.

The problem is, when you say it, you start to believe it. When you operate from a belief of, I don’t have…, then that’s the reality you create. Because you’ll never have the thing you’re focused on not having. Try saying that three times fast. But seriously, look at this way: if you were hungry but didn’t have any money, would you just say, I’d love to not starve to death, but I don’t have any money, so, what are you gonna do? Of course you wouldn’t. Rather than focusing on not having money, you would focus on what you needed to do to get your hands on some food.

So why should your career or health or wellbeing be any different? Let’s break it down: You’ve reached a ceiling in your career. Getting an MBA would open up entirely new worlds to you, but it’s a big expense and a big time commitment. You’re determined to take your career to the next level, you’re starving and you can see a big plate of nourishing food just within reach, time and money are simply obstacles to be navigated. It starts by changing your language. No more I don’t have the time or I don’t have the money. Instead, it’s What do I need to do to create the resources that will get me where I want to go?

With your mindset in the space of creating rather than what you don’t have, you can start breaking down whatever challenges are present and take them on in bite size pieces. You need time to go back to school? Okay, start small. Twenty minutes a day. I don’t care if you’re the President of the United States, you can carve out twenty minutes each day. Use it to research online MBA programs, use it to communicate and strategize with your family how you’re going to create the time needed to go back to school, use it to work with your boss or your team to coordinate what it’s going to take for you to make this happen (you may even find your boss is happy to accommodate you as an investment in you). Whatever those twenty minutes might mean for you, the point is to make it a routine of devoting a specific period of time each day toward realizing your vision. When you make that a part of your daily routine, you’ll start to believe that you can find or make the time when you need it. Believability and commitment are the foundations for building the life you dream of having.

You need more money for school? Don’t put your focus on the price tag for graduate school. That’s going to be an easy path to I just don’t have that kind of money. Just like training yourself to create more time, start small. Let’s say you’d like to take your family to see a show next month. Tickets are going to cost three hundred bucks. Okay, what can you do in the next four weeks to generate or set aside three hundred bucks? If you don't start with the small things, then how is believability ever going to be there for the big statements you want to make in your life? Buying a house, sending your kids to college, going back for your MBA? Because here’s the big takeaway here: there is no difference between the big things and the small things other than your relationship and believability to it. (That’s one of those things you should write down and stick on the fridge.)

Somebody in Elite Cohort recently said to me, Joey, I finally realized it was just zeros. I said,  What do you mean by that? He goes, At one point I realized it's just zeros, you know? When I sold $500 water filtration systems, I thought that was a lot of money to ask from people. $500, $2,000. Now I'm selling nine figure contracts inside the solar industry. The guy’s looking at a billion dollar contract and he's like, It's just zeros now. It was $2,000, then it was a hundred grand. Then it was 200 million, and now it's a billion. What's the difference? Believability and commitment.

If you're ready to start creating a different relationship around time and money, join us for our Power Series program. We’ll provide you with the tools, techniques, and strategies for recognizing when “I don’t have…” is present and how to shift your emotions, thoughts and nervous system toward achieving the results you’re looking for. Click HERE to learn more about the Power Series and sign up today!