Self-help. What is it, exactly? According to Psychology Today, “...self-help is associated with actions and interventions that a person can take on their own or with guided literature, as opposed to working with a clinician.” But how do you know what you’re looking for, or even where to begin? A search for “self-help” on Amazon yields over 100,000 results. Books, audio books, and videos on topics such as anxiety relief, stress relief, dieting, how to fix a relationship, how to communicate better, how to ask for that raise. Wealth building, productivity, positive thinking, anger management, and grit. It seems like you need a self-help book just to figure out which type of self-help you need. What if there was one system to address all of these categories and you didn’t need a library’s worth of books to do it?
At Inner Matrix Systems we call it Personal Mastery. Forbes describes personal mastery as “a set of strategies and tools to help you live and work at your peak” and “the ability to produce high quality results and understand and replicate the way you produce these results.” It is the essential trait of high achievers. At Inner Matrix Systems, we define a high achiever as anyone who wants to better their life and is willing to take action toward making that happen. Our program is designed as a training system for high achievers to rewire, train, and align the nervous system, emotions, and thought strategies to create real-life results. In other words, we teach the skill of personal mastery.
What exactly are the components of personal mastery? Let’s break them down:
At Inner Matrix Systems, we don’t offer “self-help”. IMS is a personal mastery training system for high achievers. We provide our proprietary method which involves training, aligning, and rewiring your emotions, thought strategies, and nervous system, so that you can create a life of your own design. Through in-person programs and one-on-one guidance from our certified Trainers, we show you how to recognize the patterns that are creating the results you DON'T want, and how to evolve those patterns to create the results you DO want. Our programs are not based on a one-off experience, or reliance on an individual, but a process designed to create self-reliance in your growth. The IM Method is a powerful synthesis of the art of mindfulness and the science of neurobiology.
So if your inner high achiever is ready to get to work, clear those self-help books off the shelf and click HERE to dive into personal mastery.