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Invest in You: How IMS Weekend Intensives Can Fast-Track Your Personal Growth

Written by Joey Klein | May 25, 2022 4:14:15 PM


Time. Money. Talent. If you were a nation, these would be your natural resources. You manage them mindfully and you are always calculating how to use them most effectively. So if you’re feeling some hesitation about pulling the trigger and committing to a weekend intensive, I totally get it. You’re already taking on new responsibilities at work, saving to take a holiday with the family, and have a jam-packed life. Taking a whole weekend away from the family to spend working on yourself just isn’t in the time or money budget, not to mention that to-do list stuck under the magnet on the fridge that keeps staring you in the face. Clean out the garage. Plant a vegetable garden. Write a romance novel. Hey, we all have priorities. Time. Money. Talent.

I want to invite you to look at the idea of attending a weekend intensive with IMS through a different lens. Rather than thinking about what it might cost you, in terms of time and money, ask yourself what you stand to gain. The training we do at weekend intensives creates outcomes. Period. End of story. We are able to do 10 years of work in 3 days. It’s hard to put a value on that, but if you’re concerned you can’t afford to step away from your life for a few days, a better question might be, can you afford not to?

Before you make any final decisions, ask yourself these questions: If you don’t do this now and you wait, what will it mean for your health? For your relationship? For your career? What do you want to access emotionally that you don't have access to now? What would it mean if you had access to that? What would go away in your life? Or what might show up? If you come to an IM program, what will you be missing out on at home or work or with the family? On the contrary, if you don’t come, what might you miss out on? I don’t have a crystal ball, but my guess is that if you join us at either a Power Series Weekend Intensive, IM Reset or IM Evolution (three programs that create huge outcomes in a matter of days), your life will still be there when you get back. The good news is, you’ll be coming home with some new superpowers that money can’t buy.

One client recalls a time when she almost canceled her scheduled IM Reset.

My dad's brain cancer had returned and he went in for emergency surgery on a Monday...I was scheduled to fly out to Denver for IM Reset that Thursday morning. There were complications, and my dad was in rough shape. I was my dad's right hand person, his business partner and his medical proxy...and I was faced with a dilemma: walk away for four days to attend Reset, or cancel and white-knuckle my way through his last chapter. I knew I couldn't afford not to go. I had been to enough Resets to know that it would serve me and ultimately my dad and the whole family.  And having observed how I came home from these programs over the years, the family encouraged me to go. What I accessed at that Reset was pure, unconditional love for my father, and the freedom to let him go. It was a priceless gift. 

Ultimately, it’s up to you how quickly you want to achieve your outcome. You’re the one in the driver’s seat. You can take as much time as you want to tend the space you’re working on, or you can nail it in the 3 days with our training. We’ll be here, ready when you are.

Click HERE to book a call and sign up!