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You + 20 :: Joey Klein Of Inner Matrix Systems Explores Your Vision for Body

Written by Joey Klein | Jul 30, 2024 1:00:00 PM


 The last few posts we’ve been talking about the future. Not flying cars and personalized robot servants. We’ve been talking about your future. Specifically, what’s your life going to look like in 20 years? We looked at relationships, both of the romantic variety as well as building and cultivating a community of people that will enhance our journey of life. We looked at money & wealth and how to align your inner matrix around money as a resource, a tool we can use to create the life we want for ourselves. But all the money in the world, finding your soulmate, surrounding yourself with people who inspire and delight doesn’t amount to a whole lot if you’re not around to experience it. So it makes sense to wrap up this series with a focus on the body.

So you’ve named your vision for life. You’re clear on the community of peeps you want to surround yourself with, the family you want to build, the lifestyle you want to cultivate with the money & wealth you create. Now let’s make sure you’re building health & vitality into the mix so that you're in tip-top shape to enjoy it all! It comes down to asking yourself: What's important to me? How do I want to live my life? What are my deal breakers? Maybe you want to be running marathons well into your 80’s. Or skiing the slopes in Aspen, or scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef. Or maybe you just want to be able to keep up with the grandkids.

There are no wrong answers here. The point is to know ourselves and our vision for what we want our lives to look like as we age. Look, we're all going to transition out of the body someday. We've all seen people we love transition. Some of them suddenly, some of them over a long, slow decline. Some of them keep bouncing back through multiple challenges like the proverbial cat with nine lives. What do you want for yourself? And then how do you set yourself up to create what you want? I say “set yourself up to create” because, let’s face it, sometimes the body has plans of its own. But how do you give yourself the best shot at what you want for yourself? 

Well the fact of the matter is, we happen to live in a time when there’s never been more knowledge of, or access to ways of getting the body into optimal condition. If you’re not the adventurous type, there’s always the tried and true, diet and exercise. Even sticking to the basics, there’s a ton you can do. Get some bloodwork done, meet with a nutritionist, and dial in a diet that’s going to work best for your body. Work with a personal trainer who can develop a fitness regimen tailored specifically to get the results you're looking for. I mean, it doesn’t have to be rocket science, right? The key here is to actually follow through on the action plan you create. And the key to that is keeping those questions front of mind:  What's important to me? How do I want to live my life?

If just switching to a Mediterranean diet and going to the gym 30 minutes a day doesn’t get your motor going, you can always kick it up a notch. Or ten. Blood tests are a good tool. But if you want a real bang for your buck, you can go the DNA route. There are all kinds of companies that do genetic testing these days, so you’ll need to do a little research to find one that works best for you. And of course it’s always best to work with a medical professional. Now you might be thinking, Joey, how does knowing what percentage Scandinavian I am have anything to do with sticking to my target weight?

Well, first of all, I’m not talking about 23 & Me. I’m talking about a genetic profile that can tell you and your doctor how your body operates. Remember, your DNA is the instruction manual for how your body works. Your genes can tell you what food you’re allergic to, how your body produces and detoxifies hormones, what diseases you may be susceptible to. Armed with the proper information, you can create the ultimate personalized health and wellness plan.

A colleague of mine has been struggling with some health challenges over the last couple of years. After finding traditional methods weren’t doing the trick, she took a deep, deep dive, and after painstaking research, including a genetic profile, and some experimentation, she’s been able to dial in a health and fitness program that’s taken her to the best shape of her life. Now she’s on a mission to turn over every stone and head off at the pass anything that will impair the quality of her life. 

You may have also heard recently about a bunch of really rich guys out there spending their fortunes on trying to live forever. They’ve even made a kind of game out of it called the Rejuvenation Olympics. The tag line: Where you win by never crossing the finish line. Anyone can take their diagnostic test, which measures your chronological age against your biological age, and if you rank among the top 25 of other participants, you get featured on the website’s Epigenetic Leaderboard. 

These are the things I like to be up to. I want to leverage everything I can, and I want to do it now so that in 20 years I’m positioned to be in optimal health. But that’s not for everybody. Some people have more of a 'what I don't know won't hurt me' approach. I find most people fall somewhere in the middle. Whatever the case may be for you, now is the time to start creating a plan for the body. None of us wants to wake up one day and say, “If I had only…” Instead, start asking yourself now, What do I want to feel like 20 years from now? What do I want to be up to with the body when I’m 50, 75, 90?

So if you’re ready to start building a vision of health for the next 20 years and beyond, join us for one of our Power Series programs. Our curriculum is designed to guide you through the process of naming a vision for lifelong health and vitality and developing an action plan to realize that vision. We also train you in the tools, techniques and strategies for managing the nervous system. This is a whole mind and body approach that optimizes health and vitality, not just for today, but for a lifetime. Click HERE to learn more about the Power Series and sign up today!