What the Heck is Your Inner Matrix Anyway: Breaking Free from Emotional Patterns
Let’s say you have an opportunity to go after that dream job. It’s the culmination of everything you’ve worked for. Yet, as the interview date approaches, you find yourself plagued with anxiety. There’s a voice in your head saying things like, You’re not worthy, There’s going to be someone more qualified, Who do you think you are? You start to wonder if you should cancel the interview and save yourself the disappointment. Maybe you’ve been struggling with weight issues. You’ve tried diets and fitness programs. Intellectually, you know exactly what you need to do, but you just can’t get past the emotional battle taking place between your ears. Or maybe you’re in yet another relationship that’s on the rocks. You even really like this person, but you find yourself sabotaging it anyway. And the most frustrating thing is, you don’t even know why. The answer lies somewhere in your Inner Matrix. And you don’t need to take the red pill, or any pill, to access it.
Simply put, your Inner Matrix is your unique set of emotions and thought patterns that drive your choices, decisions and actions. Those choices, decisions and actions ultimately define every aspect of your life. The Inner Matrix starts to take shape while you’re in the womb. For the first couple of years, your only way of relating with the world was through emotional communication. You didn’t have the ability to think yet because thought requires language. You also couldn’t communicate with a language that you hadn’t learned yet, so your entire experience of those first two years was a completely emotional reality. Through the mirror neurons in your brain, when someone around you felt happy, you felt happy. When mom was sad, you felt sad. When dad was angry, you felt angry. In short, the emotional environment around you was being imprinted on your nervous system and created the emotional base of your Inner Matrix. We all received some great emotional patterns and some not so great ones. And there may have been some emotional experiences that were never imprinted because they didn’t exist in the environment. If you didn’t have someone in your life who knew serenity or peace as an experience for themselves, that feeling wasn’t transferred to you.
Later, as you began to develop language, you were able to start putting words to your feelings, and with words came thoughts and ideas that you attached to those emotions. You started using those thoughts and ideas to rationalize the feelings. If you grew up around a lot of anxiety about work and money, you probably developed anxiety about work and money. So now when you are up for that new job, even one that you’re excited about, that old anxiety starts bubbling up and with it comes the thoughts you’ve attached to it. I’m not worthy, There’s going to be someone more qualified, Who do I think I am? Likewise, if you were exposed early in life to emotional patterns of shame or disappointment around body image, then you’re probably going to carry those patterns into your own life. And if you experienced feelings of anger, or sadness, or fear in the relationship between your parents, you find it hard to commit to or nurture your own romantic relationships.
Finally, your emotional patterns and the thoughts and ideas you’ve attached to them inform the actions you take, or don’t take, in life. You cancel the job interview because you just can’t face the possibility of rejection. Shame and disappointment around body image overpower your desire to get fit and convince you that it’s easier to not even try. Feelings of anger, sadness, and fear that come up around close personal relationships drive you to avoid them at all cost. Even with someone you really like.
The good news is, you don’t have to be held prisoner by your Inner Matrix. In fact, you can evolve it so that it serves you. It takes work, of course. But that’s why we’re here. We’ve developed a system that allows you to understand your emotional patterns, how to recognize them, and how to train new emotions and thoughts. With new thoughts and ideas around new emotions, you’ll be able to start taking the actions that will create the results you’re looking for. If you've never been to an IMS program, get started HERE.