Unlocking the Secret to Lasting Weight Loss: A Journey from Within with Inner Matrix Systems
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A lot of people come to us desperate to lose weight and improve their health. They’ve tried diets. They’ve tried exercise. They’ve tried diets and exercise. They’ve purchased gadgets and gizmos, hired personal trainers, and hit their knees hoping to pray the weight away. The problem is, they view weight loss as something that’s going to happen to them. They’ve been looking for something on the outside when, the truth is, weight loss, health, and vitality happen from the inside out.
One of our clients, we’ll call her Camille, struggled with her weight since age 11. For her entire life, she had been inside of an emotional pattern of shame, failure, frustration, and insecurity around her weight and body. After retiring from a 40 year career in education in 2015, she was sure she would find the right program and her life would finally change. She tried every imaginable diet program but couldn’t seem to stick with them for more than a couple days, always feeling shame and frustration. She started working with a personal trainer and although her body started getting stronger, her weight wasn’t budging. In 2017, Camille had back surgery and, during the recovery period, she lost 20 pounds. Only to gain it right back. At the start of the pandemic, she reached her top weight of 195 pounds, at 5’ 1”. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t seem to find the “secret” to weight loss. She was sure that if she could just lose the weight, then her life would be great! What she didn’t see was that she had the equation backwards. It’s not weight loss=great life. It’s great life=weight loss.
In 2021, Camille joined the Elite Cohort, one of our Mastery Tracks, and got to work. She set a new vision. Rather than weight loss, she set a vision for health and vitality, to build strength, balance and endurance. She trained confidence and inspiration in the body, creating achievable benchmarks. Data from comprehensive blood work informed a new nutrition plan. She created a structured daily routine of inner training, IEP, and movement with both a strength trainer and a Pilates trainer. Along with regular check-ins with her doctor, she monitored her benchmarks daily, weekly, and monthly to ensure she was staying aligned with her vision. After the first year, Camille reached 145 pounds. That’s a 50 pound loss! Now in her second year, she has set a new benchmark to reach 125 pounds.
“The most remarkable thing is I’ve changed my lifestyle so that I have permanent results,” Camille says. “This has not been a straight path, but I continue to stay aligned with my vision of health and vitality so that I will live to the ripe age of 100. The next 31 years are going to be amazing! Vision fulfilled!!”
Camille is just one example of many who have found success with Inner Matrix Systems. Our Power Series Weekend Intensives are the best place to train your Inner Matrix to create your vision for health and vitality. Click HERE to attend your first program for only $200.