Personal Transformation Stories: Achieving Career Heights
One of the core areas we focus on here at IMS is the space around career and finance. We train how to develop, pursue, and attain your Vision. This isn't The Secret where you manifest your Vision by thinking about it long enough and wishing for it hard enough. This isn’t Fantasy Island; this is the real world, and in the real world, you have to work for it. What we offer is a system for naming your Vision, understanding the actions you need to take to achieve it, and, maybe most importantly, how to train the nervous system to produce the emotional state required to fuel those actions. Are you looking to make a career change? Do you want to get your financial house in order? Do you want to build wealth? All three? We’ll show you how to get there. But you don’t have to just take my word for it. I want to share with you a success story from one of our current clients.
This particular client (let’s call her Fiona) was already, by all accounts, a successful business woman. She was the COO of a 7-figure business, she managed an 8-figure real estate portfolio, and was an overall high-achiever in the career department. In the summer of 2020, she participated in a program called Advanced Manifestation Techniques (a program some clients referred to as Power of Vision on steroids). During the program, we named benchmarks for outcomes we wanted to see in 10 years, 5 years, 3 years, and 1 year in the future. Fiona shared that she had a great deal of love and passion for the company she was working with, but as a non-owner executive, there was a limit to what she could create within its structure. She was feeling crowded by the ceiling. One of her chief complaints was that the people she was leading were either making a lot of mistakes or simply failing to take action at all. So we took a deep dive into the team she was working with and tracked the emotions that were driving them. Not surprisingly, we were able to track the same emotional patterns in Fiona herself. Fear and insecurity were in the driver’s seat and, as a result, she was bringing that emotional energy into the way she was relating with her team and into her overall relationship with work in general. This was the lightbulb that didn’t just turn on, it exploded like a scene out the Green Mile. As a result of the work she did over the course of the program, and armed with this new understanding of the role in the results she was getting with her team, Fiona shoved fear and insecurity out the passenger door and committed to driving with inspiration and passion instead. She named a new set of benchmarks inside of career and income which included the types of people she would be working with and the growth that would be possible. New actions occurred to her from this new space which opened up new opportunities. Within four months, she accepted an unexpected job offer with her dream team of colleagues and mentors, and within six months after that, she made the move halfway across the country with her family.
Fiona is not an outlier. Her story is just one example of the types of transformations we see take place everyday at IMS. Join us for one of our array of programs and learn how to take your career and finances to the next level. Click HERE for more information and sign up now!